In Past Life Regression we revisit our most traumatic experiences, to heal and to bring closure to certain events, to bring an end to certain repetitive cycles. It is interesting how we go to a particular incident in a past life at a particular time in our life. It’s when we are ready to receive and process those experiences. In order to grow and evolve the soul always has the right experience at the right time, there are no coincides, only synchronicity! We have to connect the dots – the regression itself has a symbolic relevance in your life at that particular moment.
An Ostrich has extremely strong and powerful legs, with one kick they can rip open a lion. The spiritual meaning of an Ostrich – it signals a time to release what’s no longer working for you. An Ostrich totem signifies resisting love and romance. Shamans say when you get a vision of an Ostrich it means love is coming. At a metaphysical level I am exactly like an Ostrich. People perceive me as quiet, docile and unaggressive but when I kick I could rip a person apart, it’s a fatal blow! I have spent a lifetime resisting love and pushing it away. Some parts of me will never fully heal from the trauma of my childhood but some part of me has healed. I’m ready to let go of all that no longer serves me and embrace a new life of love!
Having worked with Ostriches I knew that what I saw was not like the Ostriches we see today. I was a huge Ostrich, much larger than the ones you see today. I had large big brown eyes, thick black lashes and a soft, thick beak like a duck. It reminds me of my big brown eyes, thick black lashes and plump fleshy lips. I had soft fawn coloured feathers, long thin legs with a big bottom and a long neck. It’s incredible how similar to this my body shape is in my current lifetime. I have long, thin, strong legs; a big bottom, a long neck and the way I look around left to right then right to left and the way I walk slowly is startlingly similar to this Ostrich.
There is always an uncanny resemblance to the animals we have evolved from. The cells always remember. A friend asked me what animal he was. I told him he must have been several animals but the most prominent is ‘horse’. He said he is born in the year of the horse in Chinese Astrology. There is always a link, a connection that connects all our lives together. We just have to read the signs.
When some therapists regress you they start with the feet. I looked down at my feet and was surprised to see pink feet and long legs. I saw myself walking slowly and regally. Long, strong, purposeful strides. I was a bird – an Ostrich. I could instantaneously see the resemblance between me in my current lifetime and an Ostrich. It’s interesting to note that in human form we are in many ways similar to the animals that we were in past lives. I could have been a duck or a crow or any other bird but I was an Ostrich. I can see and feel that I was an Ostrich!

I was a wild Ostrich, I was not in captivity. On a hot, sunny day I was walking around, slowly like a Queen, looking around. A hunter caught me from behind & plunged his knife into my heart. I didn’t struggle. The kick of an Ostrich can kill a lion so I wonder why I didn’t kick or lash out at him. There is probably another story, another lifetime to this incident. Maybe it was fated that I die in the arms of this hunter. I died a silent, dignified death. The hunter held me tightly as I died slowly, without a struggle. He didn’t let go of me as soon as I died, he held me for a long time after life had slipped out of my body. He was staring at my still, lifeless body; holding me tightly.
This hunter comes back in my current life. Life has come full circle with this hunter. https://theindigoworld.com/divine-timing/
I researched this particular fawn coloured large sized Ostrich. They were found in North Africa & are now extinct because of human hunting. It’s interesting how all my lifetimes are in the same area – A healer in Egypt, a lion in North Africa, A horse near the Red Sea. In this lifetime too my mother is from Africa, this is a connection that just won’t go away.
[…] When I was an Ostrich https://theindigoworld.com/ostrich-reigning-queen-of-birds/ […]
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