You and only you are in charge of your happiness. All too often we put our happiness in others hands. I did it all my life. I didn’t realise that my happiness is within me. Happiness is an inside job.
Happiness starts with you. Not with your relationships, not with your job, not with the money you have, not with your circumstances, but with YOU. Happiness is something you are, it comes from the way you think. If you’re searching for happiness outside there is something wrong inside.
I keep thinking if I had more money I would b happy, or if I was more successful or prettier or thinner or xyz. We have all done this our entire lives. Subconsciously this is our thought process and our subconscious is 97%. Albert Schweitzer said “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
My friend tells me she’s not happy because of her in laws. She says if she lived in another city with her husband, away from her irritating in laws she would be very happy. The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.
My cousin used to say he was miserable because of his boss, he would be happy if his work was recognised and appreciated, if he got the promotion that was long over due. He has changed jobs and bosses and his happiness has also changed hands but they are still not in his hands. Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person can make you happy unless you decide to be happy.
Happiness is a personal decision. It is not anyone’s job to make you happy. Your happiness is none of their business. Fame, Money and Success bring unhappiness not happiness, so if you’re waiting for those to be happy, you have a long wait ahead of you.
Gratitude has been directly linked to increased happiness. Scientific research has shown gratitude affects the brain’s reward system. It correlates with the release of dopamine and serotonin.
There have been many studies on a practice called the “three blessings exercise.” Every night for a week, write down three things you are thankful for. People who complete this exercise tend to report more happiness and less depressive symptoms. Their improved mood can last up to six months.
I’m amazed at the number of best seller books on how to be happy, secrets of happiness, 10 ways to a happier you, the art of happiness and the number of videos and TED talks on being happy. Clearly we are living in very unhappy times, for millions of copies of such books to be bought.
Being happy is a state of mind, its a choice that you make and it has nothing to do with anyone else. You have to decide that you are happy, Now and Forever. Happiness makes everything possible, it has a higher vibrational frequency which attracts similar high vibrational frequencies. Happiness attracts more happiness.
Are you going to spend your entire life blaming people, and thinking about all the things you don’t have or are you going to love your life, count your blessings, give thanks to the Universe for such a joyous life and be HAPPY.
Say it as loudly as you can 12 times. Let the cells in your subconscious absorb this new thought.